an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Amelia Real Estate AG

Credentials & Makings

Credentials & Makings

Most people know it’s important to plan their estate. But it isn’t something that most of us look forward to. And few of us have the expertise to deal with the all legal nuances and complex issues involved in the actual planning process. In the long run though, an estate plan can help you protect the ones that matter most.

Need advice about financial planning? We're here to help.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss financing options that work for you, Contact Us

Consulting & Service

➞ Consulting For start ups

➞ Consulting & Service

➞ Financial advice

➞ Product developemt & Private label

➞ Franchising

Property Transactions

➞ Purchase of Hotels

➞ Buying and Facilities of Hotels, Apartments, Office, Clubs & Spa

➞ Participation in investment properties

person holding magnifying glass near desk globe
person holding magnifying glass near desk globe
Trading Partner

➞ Mediation of trading business contacts

➞ Business investments in expand storage and branches for expansion

➞ Management solutions

Investor Network

➞ Indian Investment Corporation

➞ JPMorgan Asset Management

➞ United Arab Emirates

turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table

Contact us if you have any questions

Have a questions? We are always interested in what you have to say, so why not get in touch? If you have any questions or queries, please click on the button (Contact Us) below to get in touch with us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.